Some Cats

THE IDEA: You submit a link to a photo and brief info about your cat, we’ll draw it and add it to the
Some Cats Facebook page.

Submissions are high to this page, so we can only do a small percentage of them.

To guarantee a drawing, we charge what we think is a very reasonable fee of $20. For this we’ll also email you a print res version of it. We regret charging a fee but this is the only way we can guarantee a drawing!

If you’d like to go the fee route, please send $20 by paypal to after you have submitted the below form online. Remember to use the same email address that you use in the form below.

Turnaround time: Usually within 48 hrs (but not guaranteed!).

    Your Cat's Name

    (One cat at a time please)

    Your Email

    Verify Email

    Your City, State, Country

    URL to a photo of your cat.
    (A URL is a web address. Copy-paste it from your web browser here)
    No guarantees we will get the markings spot-on.
    The better the photo, the more accurate it will be.

    Text you'd like under drawing.
    Write this as well as possible and please keep it short :)
    We'll aim to replicate it, but might change it slightly.
    (no typos.)

    By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and agree to our terms of service.

    I agree to the terms of service